Friday, May 9, 2008

So bring it on, I've been bruised

Yesterday I saw Iron Man. I think Robert Downey, Jr. is a good actor. Here's a fun music video with him as the main star. It reminds me of the movie Russian Ark, because it is all done in one take. Elton John did another music video like this one starring Justin Timberlake. It appears to be done in one take, but then there is a camera angle change and you think, "Well there goes the effect they were going for."

Anyway, I like this video better because the song is better.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Robert Downey, Jr. looks like a well-aged Abercrombie and Fitch model, don't you think? He's one of my favorite actors, I think. I partly like him because he has so many personal issues yet can portray such emotion and feeling in his roles...

supersonicjan said...

ahh, reminds me of ST. so at shirley's wedding we were seated at table 9....